Bridges Blog

Seed of Hope
Holding her hand for the last time, I looked around at all the familiar faces that lined her dimly lit hospital room. “I don’t know what to say,” I told

Prune (the verb, not the noun)
I hear the best time to prune roses is in the early spring. (To prune is to trim a tree, shrub, or bush by cutting away dead or overgrown branches

Cell Phone Etiquette in the U.S.
As a child, my mother and father tried to teach me to have good manners. Some examples of good manners were things like saying “please”, “thank you”, and “excuse me”,

Helping Others
I had to stop and marvel at my friends from China and Japan. They worked hard ripping out walls, brick, and tile in homes damaged by Hurricane Harvey. They listened intently

Eating Healthy
“Would you like fries with that?” is a common question when ordering fast food. This question is coined by McDonald’s. You may have noticed there are plenty of fast food

Peace in the Storm
Peace can be hard to find in today’s world of school, social media, friends, family and other obligations. According to a recent study, over 61% of college students reported anxiety