Bridges Blog

A Starter’s Guide to Making the Most of Your Time
Time. It is a valuable resource that we often feel we are running out of. “If only I had more time!” How often do you find yourself saying or thinking

Credit Cards: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
What exactly is a credit card it? Contrary to popular belief, credit cards are not free money. You can’t just swipe it to buy that new couch for your apartment

Interview with Xiang from China
This week on the Bridges Blog we wanted to get to know you, our reader, a little bit more. So we’ve started by interviewing students involved with Bridges around the

The American Healthcare System
Traveling through the tangled forest of the American healthcare system can be very tricky, even for Americans. So for international students, it can be well, a foreign experience. But let’s

How do I make friends with people different than me?
Part of the excitement of studying in a different country is the opportunity to meet people from all over the world. You will find that you share many things in

What to Expect on April Fool’s Day
I am a big practical joker. For many years, my brother and I have had what we affectionately call a “Prank War” declared on one another. The jokes we play