Bridges Blog

Help! My roommate is making life difficult!
Have you ever wondered what bathrooms, kitchens, and indoor temperature have in common? If you guessed they are the most common causes of a roommate conflict, you are right. Fortunately,

Americans’ Approach to Food . . . and Life
How a country approaches dinner often reflects their approach to the rest of life, and America is no different. When attempting to understand a new culture the first step is

Holi: Festival of Colors
Holi is a Hindu holiday in India and Nepal, it is also known as “festival of colors”. The festival includes a wide variety of powdered colors and celebratory items in
Don’t Lick a Gift Horse in the Mouth???
An idiom is a group of words that carry an established meaning based on their common usage. Idioms are closely tied to the culture they originate in and make little

A cheap, addictive but healthy cure for stress – Interested?
Many of us are stressed and live at a fast pace. Your life may be controlled by the next project due, the upcoming exam, or by the need to get

Why can’t we just be friends?
“If you believe in love at first sight, you’ll never stop looking.” – the tagline of the movie Closer “Why can’t we just be friends?” Perhaps this question isn’t universal