Bridges Blog

Love and Fool’s Gold
My dad, sister and I mined for gold in Dahlonega, Georgia when I was about 8 or 9 years old. I knew that gold existed, but in the middle of

Bargain Shopping – Entering the World of Buying “Second-Hand”
When I first moved to the San Francisco Bay Area, I entered my new apartment and grimaced. The emptiness of the space was overwhelming. All I had was two suitcases.

What to Expect at an American Christian Church
Christian churches play a big role in American society. People join together in churches to worship God, educate children about the Bible, and help the needy and poor in their

How to Honor Your Parents
Cultures around the world place a high value on honoring parents. In fact, many cultures place a higher value on increased age than Western cultures, such as the United States.

Andre Yee Interview
As the Vision Conference draws near, Bridges took some time to catch up with our main speaker, Andre Yee. Andre will be a part of our main sessions at Vision,

FEAR, Part 2
In our last blog, we looked at fear and how it is common among all people. (check it out here if you missed it) For today’s blog about fear and how