Reinvigorate our delight in Jesus and align our desires with His
When we discover something wonderful—a song, work of art, movie, or restaurant—we naturally enjoy sharing the discovery with others. What is something you have found recently that you have loved telling others about? Likewise, when we delight in Jesus, telling others about Him comes naturally. Otherwise, evangelism can feel forced, awkward, and unnatural. Can you think of someone who came to Christ and manifested this delight in telling other people about Jesus?
Bible Passage & Questions
Matthew 13:44-46
- What do you find valuable in your relationship with God?
- How do you nourish this relationship?
Consider & Discuss
Consider a time in your life when you felt deep delight in Jesus. Is it now? Why or why not? We all go through seasons where internal and external factors challenge our delight in Jesus. We experience times of disappointment, doubt, anxiety, exhaustion, and fear that can last days, months, or longer. Truth be told, it’s difficult to share the love of Jesus when we feel like we are barely surviving. Evangelism is often the last thing on our minds when we are desperate for a good night of sleep, good news on a child’s diagnosis, or resolution to a simmering conflict.
What diminishes your delight in Jesus and your desire to share His love with others? How do YOU cultivate a “sincere and pure devotion to Christ” (2 Cor. 11:3)?
Next Steps (Individually & Collectively)
The Holy Spirit invites us to “draw near to God and He will draw near to you” (James 4:8). This week, take time to journal and reflect on these questions:
- How are you drawing near to God?
- How do you see God drawing you to Himself?
Share your reflections with a friend, teammate, pastor, or ministry coach. Ask them, “What can we do to help one another reinvigorate our love for Jesus?”
Let’s pray individually and corporately that we would experience the closeness of the Lord and delight in Jesus in this season.